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Fish Drawing – How to Draw a Fish

How to draw a fish – cartoon style
Learn how to draw a fish – outline cartoon fish drawing sketch – a step-by-step tutorial guide for beginners.
What You Will Need
An A4 size plain white paper.
A pencil.
An eraser.
Please note: use a light HB pencil to draw all the shapes. Once it is perfect, you can add a second layer with a dark tone. For this tutorial purpose, I’m using the dark outline.
Step 1: Draw a curved line

Step 2: Draw a small curved line for the fish’s upper mouth area

Step 3: Draw another curved line for the fish’s lower mouth area

Step 4: Draw a tiny curve line at the end of the mouth, which will create a smiley expression

Step 5: Draw an extensive curve line for the lower part of the fish’s body

Step 6: Draw a line with a slight curve for the upper tail part

Step 7: Draw a curve line to complete the upper tail section

Step 8: Draw a curved line for the lower part of the fishtail section

Step 9: Draw a curve line & complete the lower part of the fishtail section

Step 10: Draw a curved line like this & divide the head & body sections of the fish like this

Step 11: Draw a small circle in the head area to create the eyeball

Step 12: Draw a black dot in that small circle & complete the fish eye

Step 13: Draw a curved line to create the upper outer layer of the fin

Step 14: Draw a zig-zag line like this & complete the upper fish fin

Step 15: Draw a curved line for the lower outer surface of the fin

Step 16: Draw a zig-zag line & complete the lower section of the fin

Step 17: Draw a parallel curve line in the upper fin area like this

Step 18: Draw parallel curve lines in the lower fin area

Step 19: Draw a curved line like this or write the number 3

Step 20: Write number 3 like this

Step 21: One more 3 like this

Step 22: Small number 3 at the end of the fish body

Step 23: Draw a small curve line

Step 24: Draw a zig-zag line to divide the fish body & tail section

Step 25: Draw a curved line in the tail section

Step 26: Draw small and big circles here & there to create the underwater effect. This step is optional

Step 27: Erase any unwanted dirty lines in your drawing. I hope you like fish drawing

You have successfully drawn this image. You can also keep expressing your creativity for this drawing, and you can do this by adding some extra details and additions. Be sure to have fun and experiment with shading on it as you finish the picture!
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You can download this fish outline coloring page from my shop for 1$