Baobab Tree – Easy Drawing for Kids

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 14

Baobab Tree Drawing – In this art tutorial you will learn to draw the outline sketch of the baobab tree from start to finish and also I’ll show you the simple colors to paint the tree scenery

I’m drawing a single tree in this tutorial for easy understanding you can add more trees, rocks, mountains, and clouds to this artwork

Use all your creative mind and improve the artwork in your own way

Are you ready to start this baobab tree drawing?

Hooray! let me show you the step-by-step process

Step 1: Tree trunk

Draw the long-shaped trunk

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 01

Step 2: Small branches

Draw the small branches

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 02

Step 3: More branches

Draw the second branch

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 03

Step 4: Treetop branches

Draw the top branch

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 04

Step 5: Tree leaves

Draw the leaves

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 05

Step 6: Outline tree leaves

Draw the outline shapes of the leaves

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 06

Step 7: More leaves

Draw the top area leaves

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 07

Step 8: Top area leaves

Draw the top branches’ leaves

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 08

Step 9: Side area leaves

Draw the side branches’ leaves

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 09

Step 10: Ground area

Draw the ground area and grass

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 10

Step 11: Ground area painting

Paint the land area with brown color

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 11

Step 12: Sky painting

Draw the sky color with light blue

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 12

Step 13: Leaves painting

Paint the leaves with green color

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 13

Step 14: Tree stem painting

Paint the tree stem with brown color

baobab tree drawing tutorial for kids - step 14

Congratulations! I hope you like this tree drawing tutorial

How is your artwork so far? if you wish to share your work please post it here in the forums

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