red panda drawing tutorial for kids

Red Panda – Easy Drawing for Kids

How to draw a Red Panda – Cartoon Style

Learn how to draw a Red Panda animal cartoon style drawing sketch for kids step by step tutorial guide.

What You Will Need

  • An A4 size plain white paper.
  • A pencil.
  • An eraser.

Step 1 : Let’s start with the eyes

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 01

Step 2: Draw eyebrows

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 02

Step 3: Draw a triangle shape for the panda nose

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 03

Step 4: Draw the mouth upper part like this

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 04

Step 5: Draw a curve for the outer shape of the mouth

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 05

Step 6: Draw a curve line

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 06

Step 7: Draw another curve line

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 07

Step 8: Draw a curved line for the head upper part

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 08

Step 9: Draw the right side of the jaw

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 09

Step 10: Draw the left side of the jaw

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 10

Step 11: Draw the hair

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 11

Step 12: Draw the right ears

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 12

Step 13: Ears inner shape like this

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 13

Step 14: Draw the left ear

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 14

Step 15: Left ear inner shape like this

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 15

Step 16: Draw the paw

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 16

Step 17: Draw the shoulder

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 17

Step 18: Complete the hand

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 18

Step 19: Draw nails

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 19

Step 20: Draw another hand

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 20

Step 21: Draw the paw

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 21

Step 22: Complete the hand

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 22

Step 23: Draw the body shape like this

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 23

Step 24: Draw the same thing on this side also

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 24

Step 25: Draw a curved line which divides the body & legs

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 25

Step 26: Draw the leg

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 26

Step 27: Draw another leg like this

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 27

Step 28: Draw the paws

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 28

Step 29: Draw the claw

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 29

Step 30: Draw the tail

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 30

Step 31: Complete the tail

red panda cartoon drawing tutorial for kids - step 31

Have fun with coloring

red panda drawing tutorial for kids

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