watercolor techniques

How do you do wet on wet watercolor

Wet on wet painting – simple watercolor painting

The color I’m using for this example scene is cobalt blue, you can use any color you want.

If you are a beginner, please sketch the scene with a pencil first, then start the watercolor painting process.

A quick tip: Wet on wet painting is hard for beginners, the paint spread too fast, so focus on how much water is holding in your brush.

Wet on wet painting

Step 1: Wet your watercolor chart paper with your brush.

Wet on wet painting

Step 2: Paint your scene with light color with your brush.

Wet on wet painting

Step 3: Compose and create your scene as quick as possible with your wet brush.

Wet on wet painting

Step 4: Sketch your scene with thick colors as shown in the image.

Wet on wet painting

Step 5: Draw and paint the details of the scene.

Check this video watercolor tutorial for easy understanding.

Exploring Watercolor Wet-on-Wet Effects | Wet-In-Wet Watercolor Technique | PRB ARTS

Hope you like this tutorial, let me know if you have any questions in the comments section below, thank you.

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